How Does Intermittent Fasting Work?

Starving yourself purposely sounds crazy and awful, right?

Well,How Does Intermittent Fasting Work? it can be a great help for those who have had issues losing weight, lost some weight but are stuck at their current weight, or simply want to try a new thing, this might just be it.

With a day 6 training routine and one 24 hour fasting, clients are dropping 2% body fat a week.

How Does Intermittent Fasting Work?

For many years, the thought of many small meals a day made sense and clicked.

This is because when you space out your meals and keep calories down, weight loss will happen, right? Many people believe in this, and many have seen success. Plus, logically, it makes sense: fewer calories, more meals spread out, weight loss.

However, recent research has shown that intermittent fasting works well too, and this method also makes rational sense. How Does Intermittent Fasting Work? Starving your body on occasion will cause it to burn the stored fat to use as energy, which will help you lose weight. Also, taking a 24 hour fast will help you lose weight by placing your body into a calorie deficit.

Well, it’s just what it sounds like: purposely not eating during one or two 24 periods a week. But why does it work? Well, recent research has shown that a person’s metabolism works more like a marathon (based on how many calories were consumed over a long time span) than a sprint (based on what was consumed the prior day). Thinking long term about calories that were taken in and burned rather than short term will help you lose weight. Plus, if the research is correct, there are many other health benefits that can come from this fasting method as well, discussed below.


How Does it Work?

Our bodies are naturally created to maintain in both famine and feast. Food is the fuel for our bodies, and without any of that fuel, our body instead uses our stored fat as fuel. How Does Intermittent Fasting Work? This fat burns into energy, which helps keep us going and become not only a little thinner, but also healthier.

Also, when we skip meals, our bodies are placed in a calorie deficit. We again go back to the marathon metaphor: calories are more like weekly units, not daily. Sometimes thinking this way helps put it in perspective. Overall, burning more calories than consumed is the way to lose weight.


How does fasting relate to the 6-meals-a-day idea?

The answer is simple: both methods allow your body to burn more calories than what were consumed.


How Does One Begin This Method?

The answer is again a simple one. All you have to do is choose a day or two a week and skip breakfast and lunch. Then, you can have a normal dinner. Try to spread out the days, say Monday and Thursday. It is ok to have liquids during your fast, but stick to non-calorie drinks; water is always the best option. For those who are used to big breakfast and lots of food, this will be tough. It’s ok to begin by simply skipping breakfast on a day and seeing what happens to your body. If that seems ok, try next skipping lunch as well. Be sure to not fast every day. Five days a week you should be eating normally, and at most fasting should be limited to two days a week.


What are the benefits?

In a recent edition of American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, there was a great overview of the many benefits that come from this fasting method. These included things such as lower blood pressure; decrease in fat; reduced oxidative lipid, DNA, and protein damage; and improved sensitivity to insulin and uptake of glucose. This article discussed only benefits in humans.


So, what are the risks?

There are a few. To begin with, the process can be very uncomfortable and often very annoying when one begins. Also, if you get irritable when hungry, this can make it hard on others as well. There tends to be fatigue often and many people notice the day after a fast, then overeat from being so hungry.



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