Nature’s Secret “Super-Probiotic” Fixes Your Digestion


You know you need to eat lots of protein and vegetables but — if you’re honest with yourself — do you ever think about how much of that you’re actually DIGESTING?

The fact is, you can change your diet and increase your protein intake all you want, but if your body isn’t digesting and then ABSORBING the protein and nutrients, it’s wasted.

This undigested protein then putrefies, becomes gas, and leaves you feeling bloated, puffy, and in pain.

These days it’s hard to differentiate between supplements, foods and health tools that are really healthy and effective, and the ones that are all about fluff and marketing.

Looking at professional athletes works to some degree, but most of them have great genes… so what works for them doesn’t necessarily works for the average person like you and I…

But then there are people who can do exceptional things. Feats of strength, resilience and ability that goes beyond belief.

One of them is Wim Hof, AKA “The Iceman” — who broke multiple Guinness World Records by climbing the Everest in nothing but his shorts (and no oxygen mask), and who spent more than 1 hour and 52 minutes submerged in freezing water while keeping his body temperature stable using meditation and ancient breathing techniques. (1)

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Buy Masszymes Now!(Now, scientists from all around the world are studying Wim and realizing that most people like you and I can learn these skills and easily withstand extreme cold exposures.)

Wade Lightheart falls in the same category. The guy is a 3 time all natural Bodybuilding Champion — while also being a vegan.

That alone is impressive, but the part that gets almost IMPOSSIBLE is that he did it on a diet that was extremely low in protein compared to his fellow competitors.

Wade ate a diet of less than 85 grams of protein per day, when the average bodybuilder usually needs to pounds on hundreds and hundreds of grams per day just to keep his muscle mass.

His secret? Harnessing the power of a brand new kind of protein-digesting “super-probiotic” — which supercharged his ability to actually absorb every nutrient from his food, unlike most people who absorb a tiny fraction.

But the research behind this probiotic strain showed much more…

1) Powerful Proteolytic Activity — Breaks down protein from your food, but also detoxes dead protein tissue out of your body.

2) Anti-Tumoral Capability — This means that this kind of strain of bacteria has been shown to reduce tumor size, again because it digests the outer protein layer that cancer protects itself with.

3) Antiviral Capabilities — In plain English… they kicks virus’s asses. This surely includes infections, parasites, opportunistic bacteria, etc.

4) Incredible Resilience — Where most probiotics die from your stomach acid and never make it where it counts… this new strain THRIVES in the human body, multiplying every 20 minutes.

It all sounded a bit too good to be true, so I began messaging Wade. 

After just 5 minutes into the conversation, I was convinced. The science behind it is solid, not some marketing scheme…

This new super strain has been developped by taking the proven L. Plantarum strain, and dramatically enhancing its abilities through a patented process (patent #: 5,895,758), resulting in a new super strain that may be the most powerful proteolytic probiotic ever developed.

Considering that regular L. Plantarum has been proven to help eliminate IBS symptoms (2), relieve depression (3), heal the intestinal barrier – and leaky gut (4) and preventing food allergies (5)… we can only imagine what this new strain is capable of.

But the best part of it all? This new powerful proteolytic probiotic costs a fraction of what most high-end probiotics go for…

===> Flood Your Body With Super-Probiotics and More (betters nutrient absorption, boosts immune system, kills bad bugs, and much more)

Oh, and I’ve got even better news. 

Because as effective as this “super-probiotic” is… it’s twice as powerful when you combine it with a high-potency enzyme. 

Together, it’s the ultimate 1-2 punch for digesting food faster, ramping up metabolism, preventing gas and bloating and so much more. 

I decided to try out this new product for several months, but also combine it with Wade’s favorite enzymes, which act in synergy.

The results have been nothing short of mind-blowing. 

And I’m not the only one saying this, as you can see from this page right here. 

You’ll see some pretty amazing stories over there, but that’s what’s possible when you transform your digestion. 

I hope you give it a try!



  • Finally put an end to painful digestion problems — help your body digest like it’s meant to, and start enjoying food again
  • Get rid of that uncomfortable and unsexy belly bloat — without changing a single thing in your diet
  • Eliminate painful acid reflux, constipation, and excess gas — enjoy living your life again, without having to keep an eye on the nearest exit!
  • Supercharge your energy levels — reduce the energy needs of your digestive process, for surplus energy to use where YOU need it
  • Clear and cleanse away all the undigested protein that’s been rotting in you gut (and allowing bacteria to thrive!)
  • Take the stress off your digestive system for stronger and healthier digestion that helps reduce inflammation
  • Put on muscle more easily than ever before, without changing any part of your training — increase absorption of key amino acids, like arginine by up to 66.7% (crucial for blood flow and testosterone)… citrulline by 45% (critical for fat-burning)… and tryptophan by 52.5% (essential for sleep, and recovery)
  • Help prevent nutritional deficiency — boost your absorption of certain vitamins, like folate (essential for metabolizing amino acids), by up to 50%
  • Keep your joints supple and protected — with a 42% improvement in glucosamine absorption to help reduce pain, stiffness, and swelling
  • Speed up muscle recovery and improve your performance with a 55% increase in glucose absorption
  • Help repair damaged intestinal walls — restore your body’s ability to absorb nutrients, just like it’s meant to
  • Recover from training up to 75% faster, without adding more sleep, saunas, ice baths, or stretching into your routine.

MassZymes are stabilized to work in a broad range of pH levels (2-12) so it helps you out, not just in your stomach, but along every stage of digestion.

While most other enzyme formulations are stuffed with cheap amylase (to digest carbohydrates) and low quality lipase (to digest fats), MassZymes contains 100,000 HUTs of protease per capsule, for maximal protein digestion and absorption.

P.S. — Don’t spend hundreds on fizzy “probiotic” drinks or yogurt products that don’t actually heal your gut. They’re expensive and mostly pass through your body, unused. 

Very specific strains are needed to transform your digestive health, and you can learn about them here

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P.P.S. — Yes, we actually do real research and cite our sources


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