Watch Your Ratios intermittent fasting meal plans

With as often as we eat out at restaurants and fast food joints, and the media distorting what we should eat and how much, it is easy to see why so many people are unhealthy and overweight. Intermittent fasting meal plans Also, when we reduce or increase of carbs, protein, and fats, this change in ratio can prove to be dangerous to our bodies and health. While there is still debate about what ratio of carbs, protein, and fat we need, in general most agree that a 40/25/35 ratio is good: 40-45% carbs, 25-30% protein, and 30-35% fat daily.


Carbs, also called carbohydrates, are important for the human body because they are what we use to create energy. You should know that carbs digest quickly, most within two hours, so be sure to stick with carbs that have high fiber contents, as this will help slow down the sugar and its travel into the bloodstream.

There are two types of carbs out there, simple and complex. Simple carbs are the carbs that people should avoid: cookies, low/non-fat chips, and other snacks. These are bad because they contain little other nutritional value, including fiber. And when these are eaten too much, they turn to stored fat, and no one wants this.intermittent-fasting 2

Complex carbs are those that the body needs. They help various organs in the body, including the brain, kidneys, and heart. When one does not eat enough carbs, the body will begin to consume our muscle mass in order to generate and create energy.


The easiest way to measure protein is by using portions that are the same size as a deck of cards. In order to get enough protein,intermittent fasting meal plans one should eat three to four of these portions daily, which will give you about 60-80 grams. If muscle is what you are looking for, then you will need to add more protein to your diet; children should also eat more portions of protein.


There are three basic types of fat: good, bad, and really bad. The good fats are those we see in products such as extra virgin olive, nut, avocado, grape seed, and canola oils. One should stay away from fats, but when you do eat them, make sure they are good ones.

Next we will talk about the bad. Under this category we see saturated fats, which are important, but not good for your heart.intermittent fasting meal plans One should consume about 10% of these fats a day. These fats are found in things such as dairy and include most animal fat.

Lastly we will discuss the really bad fats. These include trans-fats, of which you should completely stay away from. These fats create an increase in LDL cholesterol, the bad type, and also can reduce your HDL cholesterol, the good type. Although usually labels are good indicators of product contents, pay extra attention when looking for trans fats, as often products with half a gram or less are marked as trans-fat free. Stay away from partially or fully hydrogenated foods.


It is important to keep a good, healthy ratio of your carbs, proteins, and fats each day. A good way to measure is to look at your plate each meal and make sure you are eating carbs (vegetable or salad), protein (chicken or fish) and a starch (bread, rice, or potatoes). Your ratio should be about 40/25/35. This will help you get the nutrients you need, in the proper amounts, and help you live a much healthier life.

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